Over 35 Elected Officials, Party Leaders, and Democratic Activists Endorse Green’s Campaign for Supervisor
CONTACT: Tony Andrys <jcdemspr@gmail.com>
IOWA CITY — The Johnson County Democratic Party is proud to release the following endorsements of Jon Green’s campaign for county supervisor.
Green’s campaign has been endorsed by county supervisors Pat Heiden, Lisa Green-Douglass, and Rod Sullivan. He’s also received the endorsements of Johnson County’s entire Senate delegation, which includes Senate Minority Leader Zach Wahls, Sen. Joe Bolkcom, and Sen. Kevin Kinney. Joining them are Johnson County State Representatives Christina Bohannan, Mary Mascher, and Amy Nielsen.
“I urge everyone to vote for Jon Green for Johnson County Supervisor in the June 8 special election,” wrote Rep. Bohannan. “Jon will be a strong voice for working people, the rural areas of our community, and for our most vulnerable populations.”
Other current and former elected officials endorsing Green include Coralville City Councilmember Meghann Foster, Iowa City Councilmember Janice Weiner, Mayor of Swisher Chris Taylor, former ICCSD Board Member Brian Kirschling, and former Mayor of Iowa City Jim Throgmorton.
Nearly a third of these endorsements come from party leadership: Jon has been endorsed by Ed Cranston, chair of the Johnson County Democrats, eight additional county party officers, and by Iowa DNC Representative Jodi Clemens.
“I know that Jon will fight for economic, racial, social, and environmental justice as a county supervisor,” writes Clemens. “He understands small-town living and can communicate with empathy with those who hold different views. Now more than ever, we need movement leaders who will get out into every community and help facilitate the conversations we need to heal and move forward together. Jon will be that leader; he will always put people first. ”
The full list of endorsements is below: