Proposed Rules for Platform Resolutions Caucus March 3

2011 Caucus Proposed Platform Resolution Rules and Information

The Platform of the Johnson County Democrats may be found at our website:

This platform is in effect until the next County Convention which will take place in 2012.

Please review our current Platform before submitting a resolution at this off-year caucus to be sure that the main idea of your resolution is not already in our platform.

Off-year Caucus Resolutions  are used as informational statements of the positions of the Johnson County Democrats.  They do not become part of the 2110 Platform or the upcoming 2012 Platform.

Resolutions must be submitted in clearly written form to the Platform Chair Robin  Roseman before proposal.  The name of the proposer must be indicated at the top.

The proposer must be present when their resolution is discussed.

There will be a total time limit of 5 minutes for discussion of each resolution. The proposer will have a maximum of 2 minutes, followed by speakers alternating pro and con a maximum of 1 minute each, subject to extension via majority vote.

If there is not time to discuss all resolutions in this manner within 1 hour, all remaining resolutions will be passed on without a vote to the County Platform Committee for consideration.