Latest Past Events
Get Out The Vote – September
JC Dems Field Office 780 Community DR, Suite 7, North LibertyWe're partnering with the Iowa City Eastside Democrats to launch 25 canvassing shifts in Johnson County during the month of September. Can we count on you to sign up to knock doors with us? Two shifts available today: 10-1 pm and 1-4 pm Meet at the North Liberty Field Office REGISTER HERE:
Central Committee Meeting
Watch your email for in-person or zoom instructions. For details about the central committee, visit:
Canvasing Training with Eastside Dems
As you know, canvassing is the most effective way to turn out the vote. For anyone who is new to door knocking or who could use a refresher: this is for you. This is also a great way for anyone uncertain about their interest in canvassing to learn more about it, and get a sense […]