Latest Past Events
Canvass in Lone Tree with Beran and Kinney Campaigns
207 North Devoe St 207 North Devoe St, Lone TreeSign-up Link Time: 10am – 1pm Location: 207 North Devoe Street, Lone Tree, IA 52755 Volunteers needed: 10 Details: We'll need volunteers to knock doors with Kinney and Beran campaigns. We'll knock reliable Dem voters who just may not know the election is happening, or if you’re more experienced we will talk to recently registered Dems, No Party and […]
Get Out The Vote – September
JC Dems Field Office 780 Community DR, Suite 7, North LibertyWe're partnering with the Iowa City Eastside Democrats to launch 25 canvassing shifts in Johnson County during the month of September. Can we count on you to sign up to knock doors with us? REGISTER HERE: Two shifts available today; 10-1pm and 1-4pm
Conversation with Christina
Bread Garden Market 225 S Linn St, Iowa CityOn Friday, Sept 9th from 12-1pm, Congressional candidate Christina Bohannan will be at the Bread Garden Market (patio) to chat with anybody who stops by. All are welcome--come on by, have a cup of coffee, talk about the issues that are important to you! Questions?