GOTV Phone Banking
JC Dems Field Office 780 Community DR, Suite 7, North Liberty, IA, United StatesThere are thousands of voters in Johnson County that vote every four years, but skip midterm elections. A neighbor giving them a call may be the only chance we have to convince them to vote this year. Join us at our campaign HQ as we make calls and educate voters about the upcoming election! […]
Election Night Watch Party
Big Grove Brewery in Iowa CityJoin us for an Election Night Watch Party! 7 pm Big Grove Brewery & Taproom, Iowa City
Executive Committee Meeting
Watch your email for in-person or zoom instructions. For details about the executive committee, visit:
Legacy Leadership Club
Ashton House 820 Park RD, Iowa City, IA, United StatesThe speaker is yet to be determined. Please consider being a member of the LLC. The plan is to meet on the odd numbered months on the 3rd Thursday for a "brown Bag" lunch and listen to an interesting and relevant speaker. To join visit: