Potluck Insurgency: “Iowa’s School Vouchers Legislation”
Public schools in Iowa need your voice! Please see this brief article forwarded by State Senate Janice Weiner about impending threats to public education in Iowa: https://cedarrapidsgazette-ia.newsmemory.com/?publink=0df8f1eb2_134a9f9 Then - put this Potluck Insurgency Zoom meeting on your calendar for Sunday, January 15, 6:30 pm, and register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwkcuypqDsqG9Ck_kDGVv_Y6apeXXftTPGY Featured speakers: former state Rep. Mary Mascher and Ellie Konfrst, Social Media and Community Manager for […]
Day of Service
Celebration of Human Rights Recognition of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthdate has been a tradition at the University of Iowa since 1969, and the national holiday has been observed through human rights programs since its inception in 1986. In 1990 the University initiated the Human Rights convocation program. Afternoon classes were canceled to encourage […]