Featured speakers: former state Rep. Mary Mascher and EllieKonfrst, Social Media and Community Manager for Iowa Starting Line.
In Part 1, Mary Mascher will talk about the school vouchers legislation which will very soon be before the legislature. The proposed legislation aims to divert $55 million from public education. The proposal gives selected parents a taxpayer-funded debit card loaded with state taxpayers’ dollars to use as they wish for their children’s education.
In Part 2, Ellie Konfrst will talk about Good Info Messengers, an initiative of Iowa Starting Line intended to combat misinformation online by creating a large group of volunteers to help spread quality, fact-checked information on social media.
We hope to inspire participants to write letters to our legislators and to the governor about this bad legislation, and we hope to recruit volunteers to help identify and combat misinformation about the school vouchers legislation on social media.