Free Lunch Program Volunteer Info for June, 2017

JUNE – Free Lunch

JUN 2 – 1105 Gilbert Court – 9:30 – 11:30 / JUN 2 – 1105 Gilbert Court – 11:30-2:00ish

The first Friday of every even month (February, April, June, August, October, December) the Johnson County Democrats and OFA cook and serve the Free Lunch Program. We usually serve around 120 people.  

The first shift (9:30-11:30) is prep.  We make the food, clean the dining room, take down the chairs, prepare the drinks – anything that needs to be done before the doors open.

The second shift (11:30-1:30ish) is when we serve and clean-up.

If you are interested in helping during one of the shifts please let Robin Roseman ( know.  It is an enjoyable event.

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