Minutes of “the” September Central Committee meeting
One of the things decided at this meeting is that (because of participation in the Oct 1 City High Homecoming Parade) the scheduled October Central Committee meeting will be be held a week early. So our “October” meeting will in fact be our second meeting in September—thus the quotes in “the” of subject line. This will be an important pre-BBQ meeting, more on this soon.
D. Roseman
Johnson County Democrats
Central Committee Meeting
September 3, 2009
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM.
The August minutes were approved as presented.
The treasurer’s report was approved.
The Harkin Steak Fry is coming up soon. Linn County Democrats are sponsoring a bus. Response to the fundraising letter has been good.
There will be a mailing for the barbecue assembled at the next Central Committee meeting. Many volunteers will be needed for the barbecue.
Fundraising committee:
Things are looking good for the barbecue. The Neuzils are providing the pork, Hy-Vee will cater other items. We got a good deal on buns from Hostess.
The website has been redesigned.
Caucus site designation is well under way.
Johnson County Sheriff Lonny Pulkrabek spoke.
The treasurer’s report for this month included both July and August, so it was not necessary to revisit last month’s treasurer’s report.
Jean Falk was nominated to fill a vacancy in West Lucas. Jean Falk was elected.
It was moved that the next central committee meeting be held on September 24th and that be the date for assembling the barbecue mailing. The motion was approved.
The following resolution was moved:
On 9/3/09, the Johnson County, Iowa Democratic Central Committee voted unanimously to encourage Pres. Obama during his address to Congress on 9/9/09, to vigorously recommend the passage of a health care reform bill specifically including a public insurance option.
The resolution was approved unanimously.
It was moved to waive the subcommittee breakout sessions. The motion was approved.
A moment of silence was held in honor of Ted Kennedy.
Ruth Spinks, Dan Tallon, Mary Mascher
The meeting was adjourned at 8:36 PM.