Johnson County Iowa House Days of Action in Neighboring Counties
October 6 in Cedar County and October 7 in Muscatine County
It is a privilege to live in Johnson County, where our hometown Legislators are caring dedicated progressive people, working everyday for issues and people about which we care deeply. We have the unique opportunity to add not only Sally Stutsman to the Iowa House, but also Dick Schwab and Sara Sedlacek. Dick is a Solon School Board Member, committed conservationist, and a real local economic impact champion. Sara is a Solon native and a now a citizen and small business owner in West Liberty. She brings a dedication to families struggling and the diversity of her district. Lots of candidates need help, but let’s help our neighbors out on October 6 and 7 in Cedar and Muscatine Counties. Your hours (on either or both days) of door knocking have every potential to add two exciting, caring, progressive voices to the Iowa House.
Even one or two hours will help cover a lot of important doors.
Saturday, October 6th 10 am
Dick Schwab Door knocking Mechanicsville/Stanwood
We have second round door knocking in Mechanicsville and Stanwood. Meet outside of the Mechanicsville Library, 218 E 1st Street, Mechanicsville at 10 am. Additional cities will be added if we get enough volunteers.
To volunteer for other projects or to donate, please visit:
Sunday, October 7th 12:30 pm
Sara Sedlacek Door knocking West Liberty
We are planning a huge day of action on Sunday, Oct. 7 in West Liberty starting at 12:30. We will start at Sara and Rob’s coffee shop, Local Grounds, 105 W. 3rd St., West Liberty Additional cities will be added if we get enough volunteers.
To volunteer for other projects or to donate, please visit:
In order to prepare materials, we need head counts for both days. Carpooling is also possible from Iowa City, Solon, etc. RSVP to Janelle Rettig at or 330-0916. All are welcome and training will be provided. If you don’t RSVP and find you can attend, please come on over. On the day call 330-0916 or 330-5587 for directions.